Friday, April 5, 2013

Sunshine and the Monkey Man. ..the man on the moon...

Sunshine and the Monkey Man needed a new adventure. .phone shopping hadn't been invented they went shopping for something. .no idea what they would find just searching to be enlightened. .

First stop was Sear and Roebuck's..Sporting goods to Toys...nothing really jumped out..Monkey Man did like the fancy swing set but the look changed his mind..bicycles didn't excite them..nor did tennis..couldn't carry a ping pong table around but they liked the idea..Monkey Man saw victory. .Sunshine drug him bodily away from the chemistry set..shaking her head rather hard...on the way out the wrong door they see a telescope. .they look at each other. ..Yup that's it..

Still being yearly the young astronomers went to Mouse Mans casa and fired up the desktop. .started searching the web..printing out the guides to stars and galaxies. .they read the guide..studied the scope. .checked out birds on the power lines..and even peaked. .well not say in case they read this. .waiting for night to fall..they hit the zip and chest full of DP's bags of cheez-its and lots of food your doctor tells you not to to the back side of the moon mountain. .

Like the book said the darker the better and it was dark if you didn't count the moon and the stars..they laid out the blanket and set up lab..or camp. .could hear the crickets chirpping..owls hooting..they set up the telescope. .Sunshine called ladies first and gazed into the heaven..couldn't see a thing. .adjusted the eye piece..maybe the lens was dirty..whoops got to take the cover off..when she looked through the lens a new world had been opened up..the beauty of the stars..and they heard to noise..a hiss then..a rattling gurgling sound..

Sunshine jumped and spun the scope towards the sound..Monkey Man jumping up caught the scope Just below his left ear..DP and cheez-its flew 20 yards. .where some people claim to hear little birdies Monkey Man had fighter jets zipping through his fuzzy little mind..Sunshine trying to decide what to the out cold Monkey or find out what the noise was when it happened again...Sunshine spun the scope around trying to spot what ever was there. .again. ..

She runs to Monkey Man..out and down for the count..she says his name..nothing. .she gently slaps his Monkey cheek..nothing..and it happens again...she grabs the ice chest careful not to lose and DPs or ice dumps the cold water on his face..he's up..rubbing his head he starts to ask what happened when Sunshine said don't ask..listen..there it was again..hiss...gurgle. .gurgle..Monkey Man Monkey Man remembers the death scene in Texas Chainsaw massacre. ..nerves on edge they slowly walk around. .again. .louder over by the car..Hiss..gurgle gurgle. .Monkey Man smells fear..then realized it was anti freeze..and walks to the bleeding Pinto. .Yup hole in the radiator hose. .Sunshine holding the flash light and Monkey Man performing duct tape surgery once more the Pinto gets them home..wonderful night for a short time they both saw stars..broke stuff got fixed and the happy pair shares their good night hugs..and one more wonderful day had past. ..Love you Sunshine

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