Monday, March 11, 2013

Fwd: Sunshine and the Monkey Man...the gift of flour...a rising tale..

Today was a special day..Monkey Man can't remember the occasion but everyday with Sunshine is special. .He had a plan to surprise her with her favorite desert..Strawberry Short cake he fires up the desktop..small laps remember. .wow as he browses the recipes. .on the 333rd one he finds it.the pictures perfect. ..he writes down the instructions. .

At the store its a bit of everything. ..pans a mixing bowl..flour..sugar. .yeast..baking powder..gun powder...not really. .whip cream and strawberries. .as he straps his keep to the freshly repaired mini he wonders what he forgot. .he checks his looks like everything. .as he rides off into the sunset. .$97.00 poorer than before..Sunshine will be so impressed. .

He gets back to the shack and reads the instructions once more..Just a reminder he is a monkey..he lays out everything in order and starts mixing and chopping. .stirring and whirring..If three cups of flour is good 4 must be better..lots of yeast...and sugar..well monkeys have a sweet tooth so double down..strawberry topping in the fridge and cake in the oven..time to call Sunshine. .the phone rings...hello...knowing its Sunshine. .Hi Monkey Man what are you doing..he says make you a surprise can you come over..she says yes of course. ..

In about 3/10th of a second he hears a knock at the door..How does she do that as he opens the door to a warm safe hugs..Monkey Man what that smell..being sneaky he sniffs his underarms..and breath.oh I'm cooking you something special. .she gets a funny look on her face and asks what is it is smells so...just as the load explosion rocks the house..the oven door is embed in the wall on the other side of the kitchen and the monkey and his Sunshine are covered it white gooey paste. .as they wipe the goo away Monkey Man sees Sunshine as clean as when she walked through the door..Damn how does she do that. .she asks what did you use and? MM explains and Sunshine gently says you never use yeast with self rising flour silly man..lets clean the mess and get you cleaned up..

Four hours later following Sunshine instructions through the alleys the reach a small bakery. .as the walk in there are two of the most beautiful slices of strawberry short cake on the table..with a glass of cold milk beside them..Sunshine give Monkey Man another big warm hugs..thank you it was from your heart..that's all that matters silly man..hugs..


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