Sunshine like any good ray of light has days she works with other rays to brighten the day..just like in any crowd some rays are much brighter than others..some rays well if they had a nickel for every uncounted dime all they could do is start over..and end up with same wrong number in different amounts. .on with the story. .
Now Sunshine had a job counting falling some may ask why the sun would count falling stars..Its sort of like this..The sun and all its rays are sort of like the big Walmart in the sky..everyone counts on them everyday..what makes the moon glow..why the the sun keeps track on everything and keeps the universe well stocked. .
So one day while the Monkey Man and his Sunshine were sitting in the park watching the playing puppies and barking children. .wait smiling children. Sunshine told the MM..about a clueless ray she counted stars with...Just for story porpoises. .and ya I know what that says..we will call he Mary..or as MM danced around the table chanting...Mary, Mary who's lights are not so bright did you miss my star tonight. .he had an idea..Sunshine can you get replacement stars..Oh yes we have billions of them..
Now Monkey man had a plan..he would take the star and climb to the top of dark side of the moon mountain. .and this is gonna suck he's still sore from dragging his car up that hill..and Sunshine won that race...but the victory hug was worth the the plan was every time a star falls Monkey Man would throw a replacement up. .Now Mary..not her real name..or spelling anyway would see the star fall and count it..but Mary always had to count the same star at least three time so when she looks back up..whamo the stars there..with hopes the astonished baffled look would be priceless. .and maybe she would switch departments. .bathrooms and trash cans hopefully. .
So as the first star of the night fell it was game on..Monkey Man took aim and fired..perfect shot. .Sunshine watch closely for the corner of her eye saw the first look..second look ..third look and the fourth look..Now the fourth look was completely unnecessary but is was Marys way of milking the clock and getting overtime...she was baffled..just sat staring at the sky..see the over time part if your confused. .So Sunshine send Monkey Man a message though the got it...we have thing that's called radar love..stop. .telling MM don't all night long MM tosses replacement stars and Mary well she was ready for a drink as the shift came to an end..
Now Sunshine was the keeper of the falling stars books asks Mary how many stars feel..she says none. .now Sunshine acts very surprised by could that be Mary..Mary in her sick parrot voice says some fell but got back up..Now Sunshine she tels Mary..stars are not like drunks..they don't fall and get back up and have another. .when they fall they are done..Mary says 39 fell..Sunshine needing that info to keep her books straight asks are you sure..Mary says..well it might of been 26 or 18 but probably 47..who's counting and leaves..
Monkey Man one worn out primate staggers down the mountain to meet Sunshine. .as he walks up to get his hugs he sees a look of frustration on Sunshines face and his hugs was well room temperature. .So he asks what wrong. .Sunshine says how many stars did you replace..Monkey Man not wanting to be a Mary just shrugs. .no idea, can we met at the park tomorrow. .No we can't it may take days to fix the books..Guess the jokes on have some Wisconsin cheese with you whine...hugs. .
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